Thursday, December 26, 2019

How Do Insects Detect and Identify Odors

Insects dont have noses the way mammals do but that doesnt mean they dont smell things. Insects are able to detect chemicals in the air using their antennae or other sense organs. An insects acute sense of smell enables it to find mates, locate food, avoid predators, and even gather in groups. Some insects rely on chemical cues to find their way to and from a nest, or to space themselves appropriately in a habitat with limited resources. Insects Use Odor Signals Insects produce semiochemicals, or odor signals, to interact with one another. Insects actually use scents to communicate with each other. These chemicals send  information on how to behave to the insects nervous system. Plants also emit pheromone cues which dictate insect behaviors. In order to navigate such a scent-filled environment, insects require a fairly sophisticated system of odor detection. The Science of How Insects Smell Insects possess several types of olfactory sensilla, or sense organs, which collect the chemical signals. Most of these smell-gathering organs are in the insects antennae. In some species, additional sensilla may be located on the mouthparts or even the genitalia. Scent molecules arrive at the sensilla and enter through a pore. However, simply collecting the chemical cues is not enough to direct an insects behavior. This takes some intervention from the nervous system. Once those odor molecules enter the sensilla, the chemical energy of the pheromones must be converted to electrical energy, which can then travel through the insect nervous system. Special cells within the structure of the sensilla produce odor-binding proteins. These proteins capture the chemical molecules and transport them through the lymph to a dendrite, an extension of the neuron cell body. Odor molecules would dissolve within the lymph cavity of the sensilla without the protection of these protein binders. The odor-binding protein now hands off its companion smell to the receptor molecule on the dendrites membrane. This is where the magic happens. The interaction between the chemical molecule and its receptor causes a depolarization of the nerve cells membrane. This change of polarity triggers a neural impulse that travels through the nervous system to the insect brain, informing its next move. The insect has smell the odor and will pursue a mate, find a source of food, or make its way home, accordingly. Caterpillars Remember Smells as Butterflies In 2008, Biologist at Georgetown University used odors to prove that butterflies retain memories from being a caterpillar. During the metamorphosis process, caterpillars build cocoons where they will liquify and reform as beautiful butterflies. To prove that butterflies maintain memories the biologists exposed the caterpillars to a foul odor that was accompanied by an electric shock. The caterpillars would associate the smell with the shock and would move out of the area to avoid it. Researchers observed that even after the metamorphosis process the butterflies would still avoid the odor, even though they had not been shocked yet.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Causes Water Pollution And Its Effects Essay - 901 Words

What Causes Water Pollution and its Effects The shoreline became a black gooey mess that killed countless birds, and completely devastated marine life! This environmental disaster is only one example of severe water pollution. Therefore, it becomes essential to understand the causes and effects of pollution. Water pollution is a serious problem for the environment. It should be solved on a large scale at the level of states and federal governmental levels. If the public becomes more aware of environmental problems, it can be part of the solution. For example the responsibility of the Pacific Garbage Patch is on the conscience of everyone who throws garbage in the water (Marine Insight). Every pond or water source is connected with a surrounding environment. It is influenced by conditions of the formation of surface or underground water runoff, various natural phenomena, industrial and municipal construction, transportation, economic and domestic activities. The causes, effect s are bringing into the watery environment chemicals that degrade water quality ( For example, household wastewater may contain artificial cleaning supplies that enter rivers and seas. Accumulations of inorganic substances affect water inhabitants and reduce the amount of oxygen in the water. These substances lead to a formation called dead zones. There are approximately 400 of them worldwide. These chemicals are found in acid rain asShow MoreRelatedWhat Causes Water Pollution And Its Effects1147 Words   |  5 PagesWhat Causes Water Pollution and its Effects The shoreline became a black gooey mess that killed countless birds, and completely devastated marine life! This environmental disaster is only one example of severe water pollution. Therefore, it becomes essential to understand the causes and effects of pollution. Water pollution is a serious problem for the environment. It should be solved on a large scale at the level of states and federal governmental levels. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Class Struggle and Social Movements †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Class Struggle and Social Movements. Answer: Introduction: Karl Marx was a highly authoritative revolutionary thinker, philosopher and a political economist. His ideas were associated with the relationships among the economic and social power, which are influential in the politics, economics as well as sociology. Marx and Engels developed Marxism in between early to mid nineteenth century (Barker 2013). It is a structural theory, which means that we are born in a society which has existing rules of behavior and these behaviors shapes the way we behave and live our lives. Fundamentally, man has to learn how to join in well through the process called socialization. Karl Marx stated that since the industrialization, society has transformed in a state of conflict in between the rich and the poor, as both of these social group have dissimilar or unequal powers and this industrialization alone has created a capitalist society. The process of production has transformed from agricultural to industry or factory based. In a capitalist society, the eco nomy is dependent on trade, business and consumption with a focus on making huge profits. In this process of capitalism, the main problem that has arisen is that the rich are richer and the poor are getting poorer (Facchini and Couvreur 2015). The poor people (Proletariat) have limited access to own the source of production and therefore, are bound to work for the ones who owns those means of production the rich people / Bourgeoisie) (Lenski 2013). Although these workers are receiving wages for their production of goods but these goods are sold making a huge profit, which goes right to the pockets of the richer. Hence, Marx argues that a capitalist society is a distributed or split society and that, capitalism leads to social inequality. References: Barker, C., 2013. Class struggle and social movements.Marxism and social movements, pp.41-62. Facchini, F. and Couvreur, S., 2015. Inequality: The original economic sin of capitalism? An Evaluation of Thomas Piketty's" Capital in the twenty-first century".European Journal of Political Economy,39, pp.281-287. Lenski, G.E., 2013.Power and privilege: A theory of social stratification. UNC Press Books.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Never Give Up Essay Sample free essay sample

Intro- Wow this has been an astonishing twelvemonth. particularly being a portion of the AVID household. My experience with AVID has been one of the most memorable yet. Before I was in AVID I was a problem shaper. but I was good at school but I could make better. Organization- I was atrocious being organized ; I could neer calculate out what prep I had that dark or were my notes were. Hearing about AVID- at the terminal of my 7th grade twelvemonth I was invited to be interviewed to be in AVID following twelvemonth and I was chosen to be a portion of the plan. I was so aroused. Problem- I receive a call over the summer from my counsel counsellor that I would non be able to be in the AVID plan because I had scored a 2 on the FCAT reading and math. I was devastated I literally begged her if there was any manner around it. We will write a custom essay sample on Never Give Up Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page she said there was nil she could make. First twenty-four hours of school- here we go I say to myself another twelvemonth with regular categories. I say to myself I don’t belong here this is to easy I need a challenge I don’t want to acquire easy A`s. I want to really seek. I want a challenge. So I notify my other counsellor about the state of affairs and she says to me there is a manner that I could still be a portion of the AVID plan. but I will non be able to hold an elected. I tell her I candidly don’t attention because AVID is something I truly necessitate to be in. so we agree on it and immediately my full agenda alterations. all of my categories become awards and progress ( which I had neer taken earlier ) . First twenty-four hours of AVID- now my first twenty-four hours in AVID was so much merriment but I knew it wasn’t traveling to be like that every twenty-four hours. My AVID instructor explained to me everything I needed to cognize about the plan and what was required from myself. My AVID instructor makes a dramatic consequence in my academic life- my AVID instructor has changed my academic life dramatically. I neer in a million old ages thought I could acquire a 4. 0 G. P. A in my study cards and advancem ent studies. See that twelvemonth I promised myself that I was traveling to alter for the better and I did. I can candidly state that if it wasn’t for the clip support and attempt my AVID instructor and equals helped with all my academic work I couldn’t have made it every bit far as I did. Obstacles I had to face- I had to confront many challenges throughout a batch of my categories and I neer thought I could get the better of them and win in anything and everything. I thank that to my AVID household because I knew they were at that place for me to endorse me up and learn me step by measure. from so on I knew I wasn’t entirely and I ever had person to turn to. The helped we received- my AVID instructor dedicated all of our tutorials for those tuff midterms and tests and trial. It truly helped a batch even if I didn’t score such high classs on some of the trials those tutorials taught me how to now panic and clean out. It taught me how to make everything measure by measure. Personal aid I receive- AVID has besides helped me remain focused more on school and non solemnly on the societal life. its taught me to get the better of my arch ways excessively. Since my repute wasn’t known for being such a great pupil AVID has taught me to deliver myself and that it wasn’t excessively late to alter the facet everyone had of me. I wanted to demo everyone at I had changed I wasn’t the same old Stefaniee who merely thought of school as a resort area. I took it earnestly and besides maintained my consecutive A`s throughout the twelvemonth. Besides being an jock in school helped me remain focused on what was of import. Advice I give- To people who were like how I use to be I say to them wake up. you don’t understand how of import it is to listen to what instructors tell you because all they want is the best for you. My regrets- I wish I had have the same outlook I do now when I was younger and merely get downing fresh and in-between school. I tell them I sometimes wish I could travel back in clip and alteration things for the better. Fortunately I have a AVID instructor that is ever there for me to hearten me up and remind me non to shout over spilled milk. Thanks- To my AVID instructor I thank so much for giving me the opportunity to be a portion of a life altering plan. If it wasn’t for he r I would non be a portion of this brilliant plan. No 1 truly understands how much AVID has helped me. it has taught me to be a better pupil. friend and most significantly a better individual.